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"Borjana Jugović Ilić"
Koliko porodični ljekari misle o svom zdravlju? (2024)
K. Stanetić, B. Jugović-Ilić, V. Petrović, S. Savić, M. Stanetić, Koliko porodični ljekari misle o svom zdravlju?, Journal of Respiration, Vol. 14, No. 1-2, pp. 78 - 98, 2024 -
The importance of preventive examinations in the family medicine team-case report of early detected breast cancer (2023-05)
K. Stanetić, B. Jugović Ilić, The importance of preventive examinations in the family medicine team-case report of early detected breast cancer, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, Vol. 13, No. 1-2, pp. 250 - 253, May, 2023